Praxis and Research

Intercultural Management master's students carry out their learning and research practically:

  • Two-month research project in companies or organizations
  • One-week scientific research trip
  • Master's colloquium and master's thesis

  • Research Project in Companies or Organizations
Current and interdisciplinary problems faced by companies and organizations such as intercultural communication, corporate culture, marketing, image building, innovation, social and social problems are discussed within the framework of the research project carried out in our partner companies in Istanbul.

Our student groups carry out their research in close cooperation with the experts and managers of the companies. In this process, both Turkish-German University and Passau University lecturers and our project partner ICUnet (International and Intercultural Counseling) take care of our students closely.

The research results are presented to the management of the companies at the end of the project. You can find some information and photos about the project below:

Photo 01        Photo 02        Photo 03
Photo 04        Photo 05       Research Project "Future of Work" 2023
  • Research Trip

Having comprehensive regional knowledge plays a crucial role in questions in theory and practice: both for issues of regional development, economic promotion and tourism in the context of politics, but also in the context of companies that have to find a niche for their companies and find suitable markets for their products.
The research trip demonstrates, by example, how important regions, natural areas and regional institutions are for cultural and economic development. Within the scope of the trip, culturally important places, museums, monuments, architectural works, as well as agricultural and industrial zones and economic centers are visited and examined. Thus, the complex relations between regional studies and cultural sciences are examined directly on site.
 Research Trip 2024     Research Trip 2023    Research Trip 2022      
  • Graduate Colloquium and Master's Thesis
In the postgraduate colloquium held at Turkish German and Passau University, students present their projects for their thesis. These are discussed in detail by the advisors and students, and the student who makes the presentation is given various suggestions for his thesis.
Photo Graduate Colloquium                                                 Graduate Colloquium 2024

Due to the interdisciplinary content of our department, master's thesis topics can also be very diverse. Topics can be chosen from any field within the graduate program and of course, transdisciplinary studies can also be done.

Topics of selected IKM Master's theses