Workshops and Conferences

The exchange of knowledge in research, teaching and practice have great importance for graduate students and lecturers/scientists. Professional discussions and discussions should take place (in a context) beyond the boundaries of TAU and the University of Passau. Having access to personal contacts and networks related to science and practice is essential for students' future careers.

Current and interdisciplinary issues are discussed in meetings and workshops. German, Turkish and international speakers and experts from academia, companies and various other institutions attend these conferences and workshops. These activities are prepared and carried out together with graduate students.


  • International Conference 2021
Towards Construtive Intercultural Management.
A conference on research approaches and perspectives    

  • Workshop 2019
Kültürlerarası Yönetim: 'Yeni İpek Yolu Projesi' Temelleri, Zorlukları ve Hedefleri

 Das Projekt ‘Neue Seidenstraße’. Grundlagen, Herausforderungen und Ziele

Intercultural Management: Foundations, Challenges and Goals of the "New Silk Road Project"

  • Konferans 2018 / Tagung 2018
Teori ve Uygulamada – Kültürel ve Kültürlerarası Yeterlilik - Bilim ve Firmalar Buluşuyor

Kulturelle und interkulturelle Kompetenz – in Theorie und Praxis - Wissenschaft und Unternehmen im Diskurs 

In Theory and Practice - Cultural and Intercultural Competence - Sciences and Companies Come Together
  • Çalıştay 2016 / Workshop 2016
Intercultural Learning between Small and Medium Sized Companies and Global Players - Berlin, Istanbul, Beijing – Comparing Locations for Innovation

Interkulturelles Lernen zwischen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen und Global Players - Berlin, Istanbul und Peking im Vergleich der Innovationsstandorte

  • Sempozyum 2014 / Symposium 2014
Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft im interkulturellen Dialog
Interkulturelles Management an der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität – eine Partnerschaft in Lehre, Forschung und Praxis

Kültürlerarası Diyalogda  Bilim ve Ekonominin Buluşması
Türk-Alman Üniversitesi’nde Kültürlerarası Yönetim –Öğretimde, Araştırmada ve Uygulamada Ortaklık

Meeting of Science and Economics in Intercultural Dialogue
Intercultural Management at the Turkish-German University – Partnership in Teaching, Research and Practice